Written by: Officer Jermaine Galloway
June 2024
Delta 8 is one of the top items marketed in drug-promoting store windows nationwide. But you may be asking “Is it still a thing?” The quick answer is yes and no! Let me explain.
Delta 8 is a form of cannabis sold in most states. You can find Delta 8 in smoke shops, some shopping malls, and gas stations. For info on Delta 8 check out my bulletin from July 2022. Many times, Delta 8 is advertised in the storefront or front window. As you can see from the photo above, it is what I call “the hook”. (The “hook” is the item that brings you into the store.) Individuals choose Delta 8 for various reasons. It serves as an alternative for those undergoing drug testing, is considered a legal form of cannabis, is affordable, and is easily accessible. That said, I don’t believe Delta 8 is the most popular form of “the Deltas” that is being sold. Over the last year, I have seen many stores marketing other forms of the Deltas and promoting them as a better and STRONGER high! Furthermore, I am finding Delta 8 products with the other Deltas mixed in. A “bowl of soup” of synthetic drugs, if you will.
In my opinion, drugs such as HHC-, THCO- and THCP- have risen significantly in popularity. These are not the only other Deltas being promoted and sold but some of the most popular.
Recently during a scan, I located a candy bar that contained Delta 9, 8 10, THC-JD, THC-P, and THC-H! This candy bar had the most cannabis variations of marijuana, I had found in an edible product. Whether it is an edible, drink, leaf/flower, seltzer, dab wax, or vape cartridge…these cannabis products I mentioned above are also sold in those forms.
Even more Delta 8 information on my podcast.
Remember, You Can't Stop What You Don't Know!